Team 2 Day 26 (Audrey)
Group 2 Day 26 (Audrey)
Our first night in ND was pleasant, if you could ignore the grasshoppers. I had to catch two and convince them to get out of my tent, and I spent the rest of the night wondering if I’d find more in my sleeping bag.
We decided to get breakfast in Medora, but our first stop at a cute cafe wasn’t quite what we were all looking for (AKA delicious blueberry muffins but no egg sandwiches). We stopped at the convenience store on our way out of town so a few of us could have a more hearty meal and to stock up on snacks for the day.
Most of our ride was on lovely old highway 10, which took us right into Dickinson for lunch. After refueling at Subway, we found a grocery store and a bike shop just around the corner. The folks in the bike shop warned us about uncooperative winds for the rest of our ride to Richardton and recommended a couple places for a tuneup when we get to Bismarck.
We had another quick snack stop in Taylor before finishing up the day in Richardton. Our route took us past beautiful Assumption Abbey, which is where previous groups have stayed. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to host us for the night, so we camped at nearby Schnell Recreation Area. This was a lovely, quiet spot (other than the occasional moo); the only downside was it was about 2 miles off the main road, down some very steep hills on a dirt road. Not looking forward to those climbs first thing in the morning.
Service is super spotty in this area, so we just had a quiet dinner before getting ready for bed. Luckily we were able to check the weather and run around camp collecting anything that isn’t waterproof because it looks like it’ll be a rainy night!
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